• Marion Elemetary School


    RE:  Student Pick Up

     When picking up your child at normal dismissal time, please be sure to pull up as far in line as you are able, when someone leaves please continue pulling up as far as possible.  This will ensure we can release more than one student at a time.  We also ask that you not get out of your vehicle, however if you need to get out of your vehicle to help your child get buckled, please pull up past the orange cone to enable the flow of traffic.

     When dropping off your child, please do not allow your child to get out of the car until you reach the sidewalk.

     Thank you for your cooperation. 


    Morning Car Rider Drop-off

    ·Drop-off time is 8:45 – 9:00 AM.

    ·Cars must line up in the main entrance of the school. Do not park in the parking lot and let your child walk across the parking lot unsupervised. 

    ·Students may enter the building after 8:45 AM. A door attendant will let the students in the door.

    ·Please be considerate of other vehicles and students. (safety first)



    Afternoon Car Rider Pick-up


    ·Students will be dismissed at 3:30PM.

    ·Cars must line up in the main entrance.  Do not park in the parking lot and let your child walk across the parking lot unsupervised. 

    ·Students will be sent to their car as it stops in front of the school doors.

    ·Parents should send a note to the teacher informing them that their child will be a car rider.



    Late Arrival / Early Pick-up


    ·Students arriving after 9:00 will be considered late.

    ·A parent must accompany the student to the office and sign the student in.

    ·A note should be written explaining the reason for the late arrival.

    ·Students being picked up early should bring a note explaining the reason for early dismissal.

    ·   Parents will need to come to the office and sign their child out.