WELCOME TO THE ANDREW BUCHANAN PTA SITE! Buchanan Phone number - 261-3430
PTA News and Updates
PTA meetings are generally held September through May on the Second Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm in the school library. All meetings will be announced on the Facebook page Andrew Buchanan Elementary PTA and on the school's Dojo app. All families, caregivers, and teachers are welcome to attend.
Follow us on Facebook at Andrew Buchanan Elementary PTA
Send a message to the Facebook page with any questions
If you would like to donate items to the school or the teachers, here is a quick list of items that are always apprciated!
Amazon Gift Cards Walmart/Target Gift cards Kleenex Dry Erase Markers 16 or 24 packs of crayons Email your teacher! They may have specific needs.
If you are interested in volunteering in your child's classroom, you must obtain criminal record and child abuse clearances and a tuberculosis test. For detailed information and necessary forms, Click on the Volunteer Information link under "Information."