Hopkins, Meleah - 4th Grade
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Ms. Hopkins
Math, Science and Social Studies
Welcome Back to School!!!
Just a few notes to start everyone off on the right foot for the 2024-25 school year in 4th Grade at Hamilton Heights. My site has been updated to include this year's supply list. Additional information will be updated the week of August 19th.
Important Dates and School Calendars:
- Open House is Tuesday, August 20th, from 5:00-6:30 pm.
- First Day of School is Thursday, August 22nd.
- Link to School Calendar (when we are off school, early dismissals, etc.)
- Link to Lunch Menu
This year we will be using a variety of communication tools.
- CLASS DOJO for classroom behavior incentives. Please if you have not already downloaded the app on your phone. Mrs. Holtry will also be using this app for schoolwide communication. Information specific to your child and Class Dojo will be available at the open house or will be sent home the first day/week of school.
- SAPPHIRE COMMUNITY PORTAL will be used for viewing your child's school information, marking period grades, and report cards. If you have not already enrolled in viewing your child's information, please take the time to do so.
- ATTENDANCE FORM and QR CODE: A google form is available to send any notes to the office secretary instead of writing a physical note. The form will go directly to the office. You may either complete this FORM , scan QR Code, or send an email to Tammi Martin-Pensinger, tammi.martin-pensinger@casdonline.org
- QR CODE for Attendance
I am looking forward to an exciting school year with your child. See everyone on August 22nd for the first day of school at 9 AM.
Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email, meleah.hopkins@casdonline.org.
Ms. Hopkins