Chambersburg Area Behavioral Supports


    Mr. Corey Dayley

    Classroom Teacher, Co-Head Teacher (HH) and Assistant Athletic Director (CASD)




    Welcome to CABS


    Ms. Lisa LaVanture - Aide

    Ms. Brandi Shives - Behavior Coach

    Mrs. Jody Onomastico - School Counselor

    Grades 3-5 (District Wide)

    Hamilton Heights Elementary School



    Image result for alternative education

  • Special Schedule (3-5)

    D1 - Art

    D2 - Gym

    D3 - Library

    D4 - Social Skills

    D5 - Music

  • Program Overview

                    School can become a very challenging time in a child’s life.  Students at all age levels can experience a variety of challenges, emotionally, physically, and socially.  The Chambersburg Area Behavioral Supports (CABS) program is an opportunity to provide qualifying students a temporary, in-district alternative education option.  The program is an extended service offered only to select students.

                    This program is run concurrent with the regular school day and is designed to provide an alternative educational setting in which students might find success, having been unable to do so in the traditional setting.  Some students are in need of a smaller class size, extra supervision and/or attention to learn how to be successful in a traditional classroom at this level.  Success of this program has been defined as a student’s reintegration into the regular school program at his/her appropriate grade level.  An emphasis will be placed on building self-esteem and self-discipline.  Students will be taught the necessary interpersonal and academic skills to function as responsible, contributing members of their school community. 

                    There will be a certified teacher, aide and behavior coach assigned to this classroom/program.  Students will receive grade-appropriate individual or group instruction in all core subject areas.  Computers will also be used as an additional learning tool.  Emphasis will be placed on teaching the core courses as well as appropriate social skills, responsibility, and conflict resolution.

                    Parents should be an integral part of the program and make every attempt to contact the teacher on a regular basis to check on the progress of their student. 


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