



    See Something, Say Something


    Safety & Security Information

    Student Pick Up Policy

    Traffic Pattern Information

    Dress & Grooming Policy

    Lice Policy


    Absence Notes 

               Per school district policy: An absence note must be turned in within 3 days of an absence. Failure to submit an absence note will result in the absence being marked illegal. Please adhere to this policy and be sure to submit your child's note to the school within the three day period.

    Attendance is important! Students learn and grow academically when they are in school. Please make every effort to have your child get to school on time and only keep them home if they are ill. The best rule of thumb is they stay home if they have a fever, and/or vomiting.


    Transportaton Changes

          We will no longer honor changes to your child’s mode of transportation home after 2:00 pm on any given school day. We request you send a note in with your child indicating such changes to their transportation home after school. Other than a parent, a note must be given to the teacher at the beginning of the school day. This includes those people listed as emergency contacts on the Emergency card in the office. Verification will be required of that person. Please continue to use your student’s assigned pick up number at the end of the day.


    Parent Lunch Requests

                Kindly provide a 24 hour notice if you plan on coming in and having lunch with your child. We appreciate this even in the event you are bringing lunch in for you and your child. We have limited space available for parent/student lunches. We will honor these on a first call basis.


    Forgotten Items

    Your child will be permitted to call home for forgotten items only 3 times throughout the school year. Pleasehelp them to be responsible by asking if they have everything they need prior to leaving home.



    We are asking for your help when coming into the building.  As expected in the past, all visitors need to ring the exterior call bell and show photo identification to gain entry into the building.  This includes dropping off your children if they happen to be late.  Upon entering, all visitors must check in with the office to receive a visitor badge and sign the log book indicating the reason for the visit.  Before further entering the building, you will be required to submit your ID and will be given a visitors badge.  This must be visible for all staff and students to see.  When you return the visitors badge at the end of your visit, your ID will be returned to you.  All visits to the classroom before, during, or after the school day must be prearranged prior to the day of the visit.  Unannounced visits will no longer be permitted.  Again, we thank you in advance for your support and your role in helping to make our school a safe place for learning for both students and staff. 


     Automated Notification Opt Out Form

    Parents and guardians wishing to "opt out" of the automated call system may do so by completing the form below.  

    Global Connect Web Page

    Notification Opt Out Form  


Head Teacher Message


      A Message From Our Head Teacher Mrs. Dalton

    Each morning I will be giving our students a positive message during morning announcements.  This will encourage good character traits, kindness and team building within the classroom and beyond.  I encourage parents to ask their child about the morning message and help give them suggestions of how they can live out these traits with their peers as they share the events of the day with you.

    I look forward to a wonderful year at Falling Spring Elementary and welcome any feedback you have regarding our school.  

School Hours & Parent Transport Information

  • School Hours 

    The school hours are 9:00 - 3:30.  Elementary school students will enter the building beginning at 8:45 and will be dismissed from school at 3:30.  Class begins at 9:00.

    Please note all car rider students must be dropped off at the parent pick up area at the beginning of the school day from 8:45 - 9:00 and picked up at the conclusion of the school day at 3:30.  Students who are picked up from school on a regular basis, should obtain a pick up number using this form


    See the map of our school's pick up and drop off route below.  Please direct any questions you may have to the school office at (717)261-3439.  



    Volunteers are welcomed at our school!

    Please see our Volunteer page for more information.

District Policies