Welcome to First Grade!
Mrs. Richards
Daily Specials
Day 1- Library with Mrs. Bragg
Day 2- Phys. Ed with Mr. Hopkins
Day 3- No Special
Day 4- Music with Miss West
Day 5- Art with Mrs. Yoder
Helpful Tips for Parents:
Steps to access and log in to our Google Classroom:
1. http://classroom.google.com/
2. Username: student's graduation year (34), the first 5 letters of their last name, the first 3 letters of their first name, @casdonline.org
(example: 34richabro@casdonline.org)
3. Password: student ID number (can be located in the sapphire portal)
4. Enter Class Code (can be located on the direction page in ClassDojo)
5. Please use the Classwork tab at the top to navigate, and check out the Beginning of the School Year section!
*Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions. I want to make this school year extra special for your child and I want it to be less stressful for you! brooke.richards@casdonline.org