• Attendance Policy: 

    Regular attendance at school directly impacts a student's success.  To support this philosophy, as well as state law, the following procedures are in place.  The following information can also be found in your child's agenda book. 

    Unlawful absences include, but are not limited to: skipping school, babysitting, missing the bus, tardiness, oversleeping, taking care of an ill family member, assisting at home, and avoidable appointments.  When an appointment must be made during the school day, students are expected to be in attendance at school prior to and following the appointment.  If an absence is declared unlawful, students receive a zero for all of their work during that time.  This may significantly impact your child's overall grades.

    Repeated unlawful absences may result in costly fines.

    While it is recommended that family trips and activities be scheduled so that students do not miss valuable educational time, Educational Field Trips may be approved for families who wish to remove their children from school for non-health related reasons.  Reasons may include family trips or hunting.

    Students may miss only a total of five school days (listed as Educational Field Trips) during the school year.

    The proper paperwork must be completed a minimum of ten school-days prior to the absence.  Failure to do so may result in the absences being declared unlawful and the student receiving zeros for those days. 


  • Absence Form

    Click here to fill out an absence excuse through the Community Portal.


    1. Log into the Sapphire Community Portal
    2. Click on the student in which you are completing an absence form for.
    3. Click on Attendance on the left hand-side.
    4. At the bottom of the page select the absence form.
    5. Submit Note

    If you have any questions or need any help with attendance, please contact Lori Helman at lori.helman@casdonline.org.