Credit Advancement


    It is imperative that we continue to provide multiple opportunities for students to gain college credentials while in high school, as post-secondary education costs continue to rise. As we look into the future to 2020, we see the continued blurring of the lines between grades eleven through fourteen.  The opportunities continue to grow for students who are ready to tackle the challenges of advanced course work. 

  • Student(s)/Parent(s)

    • Discuss credit advancement with your guidance counselor prior to completing the application which can be found in the main office or on the website under student services.
    • Select an instructor or institution that is accredited and / or meets highly qualified status according to NCLB.  Currently Approved Institutions and Instructors:  (All highly qualified CASD staff, Penn State Mont Alto, Wilson College, Shippensburg University, HACC Harrisburg Area Community College, Nexus.Other instructors and institutions may be approved upon application.
    • Complete Part I of the application and obtain all signatures prior to beginning coursework. 
    • Upon completion of the course the student is responsible for getting transcripts and credit documentation to the Building (Grade Level) Principal.
    • All costs associated with the non-traditional course work are the responsibility of the student and parent. 
  • External Instructor(s)

    • Submit your resume and credentials along with the application.
    • Contact the appropriate K-12 Supervisor to obtain the grade level course curriculum.
    • Identify a course format (please specify number of meeting dates and type, i.e. online, blended, face to face).
    • Submit a syllabus, including course outline, course expectations, and course meeting dates/times to content supervisor.  Course must align with CASD curriculum and must be approved prior to course start date.
    • Deliver instruction for the appropriate amount of instructional hours.
    • Complete Part II of the application and submit to the building principal.
    • Submit the course syllabi and all student assessment results in a portfolio to the appropriate K-12 Supervisor upon course completion.
  • Internal Instructor(s)

    • Contact the appropriate K-12 supervisor and notify them of the intent to offer credit advancement.
    • Submit a syllabus, including course outline, course expectations, and course meeting dates/times to content supervisor.
    • Must use the CASHS final exam and submit a copy of the completed final with final grades.
    • Deliver instruction for the appropriate amount of instructional hours.
    • Complete Part II of the application and submit to the building principal.
    • Submit the course syllabi, all student assessment results, and a copy of the completed final exam in a portfolio to the appropriate content supervisor upon course completion.
    • Staff is limited to 12 students per fall and spring semesters and 25 students over the summer in credit advancement, unless prior approval is obtained from the principal and content supervisor.
  • Internal Processing for Credit

    • Principal receives completed applications and verifies the course met the hour requirement and has submitted the syllabi and assessments to the K-12 Supervisor.
    • Upon verification the principal (grade level) signs the application and submits to Head Secretary/Guidance Department for awarding credit, GPA and class rank if appropriate. 
    • Copy of the competed application must be made for the student cumulative folder and one mailed to the student/parent.
  •  Notes:

    • Students may not take a non-traditional course in lieu of classes that are available and offered during the "regular" school day in CASD unless alternative arrangements have been made prior to the application process with a CASD counselor.  
    • Students may be denied online or correspondence course work due to poor grades in the previous class.  Instead, a face-to-face option will be encouraged. 
    • Students must follow the policies of the provider for drop add and requirements.