
    Welcome to the homepage of

    Mr. Jacobs; Room B320

    CASHS Life Skills Teacher

    Drama Club Director



    (717) 261-3322 ext. 82320



     Period 1 - Life Skills Math III

    Period 2 - Life Skills Math I

    Period 3 - Life Skills Math II

    Period 4 - Prep/Lunch

    Period 5/6 - Vocational Education

    Period 7 - Social Skills

  • CASHS Drama Club


    Fall Musical: Into the Woods


    More info to come...




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    Important Information: Please read.

    Mr. Jacobs will do his best to update this website on a weekly basis.  If this does not happen or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact him by using the link on the left-hand side labeled "Contact Mr. Jacobs" and he will get back to you as soon as possible.  Thank you visiting Mr. Jacobs' website and have a wonderful day.


Classroom News:

  • Come prepared to class:

    Bring your textbook, notebook, folder, pencil, and homework.

    And a willingness to learn and have fun!