- Benjamin Chambers Elementary
- Peggy Fetterhoff, RN
Fetterhoff, Peggy - RN
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Mrs. Fetterhoff, RN, BSN, CSN
We like to keep parents well informed at Benjamin Chambers and also encourage parents to be active in talking to their children about what happens during their school day. In the healthroom, we will be checking all students height and weight. We will be logging them into the computer so that you as a parent, are able to pull up your childs ht, wt and BMI on the Sapphire site. We will also be checking each students chart to be sure that we have a current physical exam and dental exam listed, as well as that all immunizations are up to date and meet the State Department of Health guidelines. If you receive a pink, yellow or blue paper from the healthroom, it means that we may need more information about one of these areas. Please fill out any paper work that is sent home and return it to Mrs. Fetterhoff. Also, we will be checking every students vision. If your child happens to bring home a purple paper, it may indicate that you should have their vision checked by an eye Dr. to rule out the need for glasses. Hearing checks will be taking place for grades K-3. If you receive a green paper, it indicates that your child did not pass their hearing test and should be evaluated by their Dr.
Please feel free to inform us, either by phone or by email, of any health changes that your child may experience throughout the year. Also, if your child has seen their physician and is on any type of restrictions, please supply that to us in writing from the Dr. Please make sure that the note has listed the restrictions, reason/diagnosis and time frame that the note pertains to and when the student is able to return to their normal activities.
If your child takes medications of any kind, even cough drops and over the counter medications, please be aware that we are NOT able to administer them here at school UNLESS we have a signed Medication Permission Form by the doctor and parent, nor are students able to self carry these without the appropriate forms. Forms are available on this site or by requesting them from the school.
As always, we like to keep our class rooms as healthy and germ free as possible. If your child has: a severe cold, inflamed eyes (pink eye), fever >1000, communicable disease (such as Chicken Pox or Fifth’s Disease), rash of unknown cause, earache, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea, or just plain appears to be ill, please refrain from sending your child to school. The Chambersburg Area School District encourages parents to keep children home for 24 hours after a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or any other symptoms subside to ensure that they are well enough to be in school and do their best. This eliminates exposure to others and allows the student to return with optimal wellness. Let’s keep our school healthy! Keep in mind that if your child is out of school, please have either a parent note or a Doctor's note accompany your child when they return.
It is always a good idea to to keep a change of clothes in your childs bookbag in case a bathroom, cafeteria or recess (fall in mud) would occur accident occurs or even when they fall into mud at recess and need a clean change of clothes.
Lastly, we want to see your child be successful at school and life. In order to do this, students need to be in the classroom as much as possible and absorb as much material as possible. For this reason, we will encourage your child to be in the classroom as much as possible. THANK YOU!!!!
Contact Mrs. Fetterhoff with any questions or concerns related to your student.