• Welcome to 4th grade!

    Mrs. Thomas

  • 2023-2024 School Year

    Daily Schedule:

    8:45-9:10 -  Homeroom

    9:10-9:55 - Specials (Music, PE, Library, Art)

    9:55-10:15 - Block 1 - (4-1: SEL, 4-2: ELA)  

    10:15-11:45 - Block 2 - (4-1: Math, 4-2: ELA)

    11:45-12:15 - Block 3 - (4-1: Social Studies/Science, 4-2: ELA)

    12:15-12:45 - Recess

    12:45-1:15 - Lunch

    1:15-1:35 - Block 4 - (4-1: ELA, 4-2: SEL)  

    1:35-2:55 - Block 5 - (4-1: ELA, 4-2: Math)

    2:55 - 3:35 - Block 6 - (4-1: ELA, 4-2: Social Studies/Science)


    Communication App:

    Ben Chambers Elementary will be using Class DoJo for our building wide communications. Please check your email to accept the invite to join our class. You can download a free app on your phone.


      Click here to Connect to 4-1 Thomas Dojo class

      Click here to Connect to 4-2 George Dojo class

    Google Classroom:

     Your child will have a separate Google Classroom for each subject.  Please keep an eye on his/her assignments and grades.

    SPECIALS: 9:10am

    Day 1 - Phys Ed 

    Day 2 - Library

    Day 3 -

    Day 4 - Music

    Day 5 - Art



     Letter from the principal

    Letter from Admin

    English documents for parents

    Spanish documents for parents