- Benjamin Chambers Elementary
- 2nd Grade/2do Grado
Ruiz, Laura - 2nd Grade
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Welcome to Second Grade!
¡Bienvenidos a Segundo Grado!
Virtual Learning
In 2nd grade we are departmentalized; I teach science and social studies.
Mrs. McBeth teaches Math, Mrs. Crist teaches writing, and Miss Black teaches Reading.
The following is our schedule for Virtual/Online learning:
9:00---Writing 9:00---Reading 9:00---Science
10:00---Reading 10:00---Science 10:00---Math
11:00---Science 11:00---Math 11:00---Writing
2:00---Special 2:00---Special 2:00---Special
3:00---Math 3:00---Writng 3:00---Reading
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by:
e-mail: laura.ruiz@casdonline.org
phone: (717) 261-3442
During these unique times, the easiest way to contact me is trhough e-mail. I check e-mail daily. If you have questions and/or concerns please e-mail me, and I will e-mail you back as soon as I can.
Durante estos tiempos úunicos, la forma más fácil de comunicarse conmigo es a travéz de correo electrónico. Yo reviso my correo diariamente. Si usted tiene algunas preguntas o dudas, envíeme un correo y yo le responderé lo mas pronto posible.