Mr. Adams 5-4

  • 5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies

  • Please have your student log into their Google account and join our Google Classes for Monday on their Chromebook. Here are the steps for logging in:


    1. Log into their Google account (username and password match their Chromebook login).
    2. On the Google homepage, click on the grid (3 by 3 little boxes) in the upper righthand corner.
    3. Look for the Google Classroom icon and click on it.
    4. Look for our Google Classrooms and join (you may have to do some scrolling or click on the “more” option).
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  • Instructions for Logging into Google Class

    Check out this Power Point to see how to log into Google Class!

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  • Important Message

    Hello all!

    We are looking forward to seeing your student(s) next week! We have a couple of pieces of information for you to start the school year off. The first day of school will begin at 9:00 am on Thursday, August 24th. The cafeteria doors open at 8:30 am for breakfast. 5th Grade's Open House will be on Monday, August 21st at 6:00 pm. Here is a list of 5th grade supplies if you want to get a jump on it:

    Chromebook & charger

    earbuds (every student was given earbuds with their Chromebook)


    dry erase markers

    2 in binder

    1 or 1.5 in binder

    *donations of tissues and hand sanitizer are greatly appreciated


    Please try to have your students do these things and familiarize themselves with their Chromebook before Thursday.


    1. Practice logging into your Chromebook

    Your login information is on one of the papers you got with your Chromebook. It should be your typical log in information to get into the computers at school.

    username - year of graduation, first 5 letters of your last name, first 3 letters of your first name (example - Dustin Adams would be

    password - lunch number


    2. Practice logging into Google Classroom ( and join your teacher's classes. Your login information is the same as your Chromebook login.

    Mr. Adams' Class Code: hd7v5nv


    Remember to charge your Chromebook and bring your charger daily. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at any time.

  • Welcome to Mr. Adams' class!  I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year full of learning.  This year in math we will be diving into basic operations with multi-digit numbers, volume, fractions, decimals and more!  In social studies, we will be exploring geography, current events, American history and government. In science, we will learn about matter, energy transfer, Earths systems, and the solar system.

Daily Schedule