Phone: (717) 261-3469


Degrees and Certifications:

Dr. Baum

Hello fifth grade families!!


We are about to embark on a school year like no other! Although I am looking forward to the day when we can be back in the classroom together, for now we will do our very best with the situation that we are in.


Mrs. Penrose and I have made a short video introducing ourselves and giving you a quick run through of what to do the first day. Basically, you will get on your chrome book, open google chrome, click on the waffle icon at the top right of the page, and then select “classroom” from the icons. When you open up google classroom you will automatically be asked to join our homeroom class.  From there you will read and follow the instructions for what to do. This is where you will go first every morning for instructions for the day.



You daily schedule:


Katie Baum Homeroom

Schedule (Virtual)

5th Grade



9:00-9:45 Special

9:45-10:15 Math

10:15-10:45 Math Independent Work/Sm. groups

10:45-11:00 Recess/Break

11:00-11:30 Math Independent Work/Sm. groups

11:30-12:00 Social Studies

12:00-12:45 Lunch Recess Play

12:45-1:15 ELA

1:15-1:45 ELA Independent Work/Sm. groups

1:45-2:00 Recess/Break

2:00-2:30 ELA

2:30-3:00 ELA Independent Work/Sm. groups

3:00-3:30 Clean up/Read







Your specials schedule will be:


Day 1 – No Special

Day 2 – Art

Day 3 – Library

Day 4 – Gym

Day 5 – Music



Below is a list of some basic school supplies that you will need at home. Even though we are starting virtual, these are some things that will help your child be successful at home. Please let me know if you need help getting these supplies.


  1. 2 spiral notebooks
  2. Pencils
  3. Erasers



I am excited for this year together, however it may turn out. If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me via email at or you can call the school at (717)261-3469 and leave a message for me.


Looking forward to working with your child this year!

Mrs. Baum