- Andrew Buchanan Elementary
- Playaways
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Buchanan students (2nd through 5th grade) are enjoying the new technology of Playaway digital audiobooks.
Please note the following rules that have been discussed in class:
Playaway Digital Audiobooks
* Listening to Playaways is not a substitute for reading.
* Listening to Playaways in class may be done only with your teacher's permission.
* You are not permitted to listen to Playaways while walking in school hallways.
* If your battery needs to be replaced, bring the whole Playaway package to the library for replacement. We are using more expensive rechargeable batteries, so please do not replace the batteries with your own batteries from home. You will be charged $3 if the rechargeable battery is missing.
* As with any library item, you are responsible for returning Playaways on time and in good condition. The replacement cost for Playaways is more expensive than most books ($35 - $60), so PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE!
*The following must be included when you return your Playway:
* Playaway
* Rechargeable battery
* Headphones
* Lanyard
* Box/Packaging