• Purchasing Information


  • Requirements Federal Grant Orders

    Sole Source / Quotes (Order will be one or the other)

    Sole Source

    1. Letter from the vendor (signed) stating item(s) is sole source.
    2. Sole Source Form needs to be completed and signed.


    1. Need to have three (3) comparable quotes.
    2. Quote Comparison form needs to be completed.
      1. At this time the only way you wouldn’t need the three (3) quotes and comparison form is if you are using a vendor via PEPPM or KPN.
      2. When using federal funds, you may not purchase directly off of COSTARS. When using COSTARS you must conduct a competitive procurement. COSTARS can be used as one source of pricing during the competitive procurement process, provided all other procurement requirements are met. 

     Order’s Over $25,000

    1. Check Federal and State Suspended and Debarred Lists
      1. State Website - https://www.dgs.internet.state.pa.us/debarmentsearch/debarment/index
      2. Federal Website - https://sam.gov/SAM/

     Order’s Over $250,000

    1. Any potential contract or purchase order that exceeds $250,000, requires a cost or price analysis prior to procurement. Please reach out to the CASD Business Office before beginning this process.

    * All of this documentation needs to be attached to the requisition when submitted in BudgetSense.