- Chambersburg Area School District
- Sapphire Web Portal
Page Navigation
- Parents
- Absence Excuse Form
- Dress Code
- Educational Trip Forms
- Flyers
- Foundation
- Health Services Resources
- K-12 Career Readiness
- Lunch Menus
- MAP Assessment Information
- Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit
- Parent & Family Involvement
- Prepare Your Student
- Safe 2 Say Something
- Sapphire Web Portal
- SchoolCafe
- Student Registration
- Title I Department
- Transportation
- Traumatic Events Assistance
- School Resource Guide for Disaster Evacuees
Sapphire Web Portal
Portal Link: https://casdonline-sapphire.k12system.com/CommunityWebPortal/Welcome.cfm
Account Creation Guide - English
Manage and Request Access to Students for an Existing Portal Account
(Note: Do not create a new account if you need to add additional children to your existing account. You will want to follow these directions instead.)
Accessing Report Cards on the Portal - English
Accessing Report Cards on the Portal - Spanish
Help Tips:
- IF YOU FORGET YOUR PORTAL PASSWORD, use the Password Recovery page HERE.
- If you are having issues with your account, send an email to the portal email listed below and state your portal issue and be sure to include your name, student’s name and ID number.
Need help with your portal account? Email portal@casdonline.org for assistance.
Sapphire Announcements
All report cards are accessed in the Sapphire Web Portal.
If you need to create an account, please see use the New Account Creation Guide on this page. If you'd still like a paper copy, please pick up an Opt Out form from your child's school.
FAQ Sheet (Frequently Asked Questions) for Electronic Report Cards
Keystone, PSSA and MAP scores are now available for parents and students to view in the CWP!
What is the Sapphire Web Portal?
Posted by:CASD's Sapphire Web Portal is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information about their student's work in the Chambersburg Area School District, about issues that may affect them and their family. Parents are a key factor to their child's educational and academic success.
Why do I need an account?
Posted by:Parents/Guardians and Students can use their account to get real time access to Grades, Online Reports, Attendance, and Schedules. Parent/Guardian and Student accounts have different access and displayed information may differ. Parents are encouraged to apply for their own account and not use your child's account.
What information can be found on the Community Web Portal?
Posted by:Calendar: Tracks student class attendance and class assignments
Schedule: Lists your student's class schedule, assignments and grades
Attendance: Shows when your student was absent from class.
Behavior: Shows any behavior incidents
Reports: Displays student's schedule, missing assignments, report cards and grade transcriptsTo help avoid confusion and allow schools to finalize their schedules, note that the CWP does not display all information until the start of school.
What if my account was declined?
Posted by:When an account is declined, you will be sent an email with information on why it was declined and what you need to do in order to get your account approved. It may involve contacting your school and updating and verifying an updated phone or email account.
Students accounts will be automatically created and handed out in the student's homeroom by the second week of school. Since accounts are automatically created, students do not need to sign up for an account.