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Annual Report

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    The CASD Annual Report is mailed to district residents each summer. The report summarizes major accomplishments of the school year, outlines new projects and initiatives, provides budget information and PSSA scores, and profiles our senior class.






In the Spotlight

Year in Photos


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    CASD is available on Twitter! This microblog is a great way for the district to highlight news as it's happening. If you're already a Twitter member, follow "CASDNews." If you're not, visit www.twitter.com/casdnews to see our latest tweets.

Share the News

Make It a Great Day!

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    Make It a Great Day!
    This video highlights the many benefits of living and working in the Chambersburg Area School District.


Right to Know

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    In compliance with Pennsylvania's Right-to-Know Law, effective January 1, 2009, the CASD adopted the following policies and established clear procedures for our community members to obtain public records of interest. If you would like to request a public record, please use the following form, or contact the open records officer listed below for assistance.

    CASD Right-to-Know Request Form

    CASD Public Records Policy 801

    CASD Records Management Policy 800

    CASD Open Records Officer:
    Sylvia Rockwood
    435 Stanley Avenue
    Chambersburg, PA 17201
    (717) 261-3477

Instant Notification System

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    Our Global Connect instant notification system allows the district to relay information to students' parents and guardians by way of an automated telephone message. The system is used for emergencies, school closings or delays, and other major events.


    This system will only work effectively if the contact information on file for your family is accurate. To verify your contact information, please call your child's school. To change the contact information, you must visit the school office and request a student information update form.

Publication Awards

  • Chambersburg Area School District's commitment to effective communications has been recognized with the following publication awards:


    National School Public Relations Association

    - 2009 Award of Excellence, In the Spotlight: Early Childhood Education

    - 2009 Award of Merit, 2007-2008 Annual Report

    - 2009 Honorable Mention, eCASD Employee Newsletter


    Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association

    - 2008 Award of Honor, 2007-2008 Annual Report

    - 2008 Award of Excellence, eCASD Employee Newsletter


    Pennsylvania School Boards Association

    - 2009 Award of Excellence, 2007-2008 Annual Report

    - 2008 Award of Excellence, In the Spotlight series

    - 2007 Award of Excellence, CASD Magazine (Spring 2007)


Contact Us

  • For more information about CASD publications, please contact:


    Sylvia Rockwood

    Chambersburg Area School District

    435 Stanley Avenue

    Chambersburg, PA 17201

    (717) 261-3477



    If you are a member of the news media and have a question, please contact:


    Catherine Dusman

    Chambersburg Area School District

    435 Stanley Avenue

    Chambersburg, PA 17201

    (717) 261-3419
