•   Middle School Information

    Beginning in the 2016-2017 school year Chambersburg Area School District will have two middle schools serving grades 6, 7 and 8.  All students must attend the middle school designated by the attendance zone of their elementary school. This is determined by the student's physical address.

    Based on October 2010 enrollment figures, CAMS North is expected to have an enrollment of 1,060 students, while CAMS South would have 1,029.

    Attendance areas will be reviewed year to year and students who are in split custody situations will attend where the parent who has primary custody lives.

    Schools will be aligned to be equal in curriculum, academics and standards as well as technology resources.

     Elementary Schools within Attendance Areas

    SchoolCenter Picture

    Information regarding the middle school boundry for the 2017-2018 school year.  Below is a search area to locate the middle school your child will be attending.

    Please note that this information is a guideline and growth in either zone will continue to be monitored prior to the opening of the schools. 


    Click the map below for Middle School Address Lookup Form

    SchoolCenter Picture  

    The elementary school attendance zones by school are as follow:

    CAMS North 
    (former Faust)

    CAMS South 
    (former CAMS)

    Benjamin Chambers Andrew Buchanan
    Grandview Falling Spring
    Hamilton Heights Fayetteville
    Lurgan Marion
    Guilford Hills New Franklin
    Scotland South Hamilton
      Thaddeus Stevens

    To search, type the house number, street name and street type (see abbreviation key) and zipcode without punctuation.  Example: 423 W King St 17201

    For streets with two names try separating or combining the street name.  Example: 1220 FoxDen Rd or 1220 Fox Den Rd 

    Abbreviation Key   
    Avenue   Ave
    Street   St
    Lane   Ln
    Circle   Cir
    Road   Rd

    Please use the form below if you are experiencing difficulty or have questions regarding the results of the address lookup for 2017-2018 Middle School Zone information.  Once the form is submitted, please note that it may take several days for the transportation staff to return the requested information to you.  Thank you for your patience.